Florastor, or saccharomyces boulardii lyo, is a type of yeast that may be used to improve intestinal health and promote regular bowel function. Florastor may help to ease abdominal pain in those with intestinal or other digestive health problems. Florastor is a probiotic, which is a type of microorganism naturally found in the gut. Florastor and other probiotics are thought to help maintain a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria. Florastor is a supplement, and is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of colitis or any other disease, and its safety is not tested or monitored.

Florastor is most frequently used to treat the following conditions by our members

  • How severe?
  • 11,1%

    Dolor de estómago

  • 8,3%

    Urgente movimientos

  • 8,3%

    Debilidad muscular

  • 8,3%

    Movimientos frecuent

  • 8,3%

    Pérdida de apetito

  • 8,3%

    La fatiga

  • 5,6%


  • 5,6%


  • 5,6%

    Cambios de humor

  • 5,6%


NOMBRE Ver más # # síntomas>

  • 5,6%


  • 2,8%

    Dolor de garganta

  • 2,8%

    Los ataques de pánic

  • 2,8%


  • 2,8%

    Baja la presión arte